Six career opportunities for graduates of English (SHARE THIS) - Scholarship Nigeria: JOBS,ADMISSION,SCHOLARSHIPS Six career opportunities for graduates of English (SHARE THIS)

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Six career opportunities for graduates of English (SHARE THIS)

Many Nigerian students who study English language find it hard to get a job. However it is important to note that even with an English degree, there are some career opportunities available to you. Here are some of them:

1. Media and journalism

The media sector covers everything from film to television, newspapers to news blogs, advertising to PR and gaming to game reviewing.
Depending on your area of interest, there’s a niche for just about any English graduate, whether you want to produce, write, edit, review, schedule, promote, manage or run.
However, students should be aware that careers in media can be very competitive, and unless you’re dedicated to the industry and have the work experience record to show it (see below), strong starting salaries for careers in media are hard to guarantee.

2. Publishing careers

In recent years, the publishing industry has seen much disruption, thanks in large part to the digital revolution.
Although this means many traditional print publishing companies are becoming smaller or struggling to survive, those that have adapted to the world of digital publishing are continuing to thrive – and in need of graduates with the skills to help them keep evolving.
Digital publishing encompasses areas such as e-books and electronic journals (e.g. scientific periodicals), as well as online magazines and news sites.

3. Teaching and academic careers

An English literature degree can be a great way to develop the academic knowledge and communication skills needed.
To teach at primary or secondary level, you’ll usually need to complete a professional teaching qualification and gain some experience working with children and/or young adults.
For university-level teaching, you’ll be required to gain at least a master’s degree (in the field you wish to teach) and often also a PhD; many universities combine teaching and research roles.

4. Advertising, marketing and PR careers

Roles in advertising, marketing and public relations are all popular options for English degree graduates.
While still involving high levels of creativity and excellent communication skills, these roles all demand more of an explicit focus on generating profit and expanding business or brand reach.

5. Careers in law

Those who study English at university are also likely to develop many of the skills required for careers in law and the legal sector, although a graduate-level degree will be needed for many legal roles – including becoming a barrister or solicitor.
Despite this restriction, there are many careers in law available with just an undergraduate-level degree.

6. Business, accounting and finance

If you’re that rare breed of student who can manipulate both words and numbers with equal dexterity, then you may want to put your broad skillset to use within the business world.
For highly numerate graduates, careers in accounting and finance are a very real prospect; even as an arts graduate you shouldn’t be treated any differently when applying for these roles, so long as you can prove your mathematical skills.
Graduates of English can also look into these jobs:
  • Academic librarian.
  • Advertising account executive.
  • Advertising copywriter.
  • Arts administrator.
  • Information officer.
  • Marketing executive.
  • Public relations officer.
  • Records manager.
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