FUAM Screening For 2016/17 Freshers has Commence - Scholarship Nigeria: JOBS,ADMISSION,SCHOLARSHIPS FUAM Screening For 2016/17 Freshers has Commence

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FUAM Screening For 2016/17 Freshers has Commence

Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi Screening for 2016/17 Academic Session

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The management of the Federal University of Agriculture Makurdi has commenced it screening exercise for the 2016/17 academic session.

Candidates who selected University of Agriculture, Makurdi as first choice in the 2016/2017 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) and scored 180 marks and above are invited for the Post-UTME Screening exercise.

Steps for Online Registration
  1. Candidates are required to pay a non-refundable fee of N2,500 (Two Thousand Five Hundred Naira) only for Post-UTME Screening (service charge inclusive). Before payment confirm that your name is in the UAM POST UTME Screening List by searching with your Registration Number. If you find your name and you wish to proceed with payment, Click Pay Screening Fee to Start the payment process.
  2. Candidates will be given a University of Agriculture, Makurdi POST-UTME Screening Payment Slip from the Bank containing Candidate’s JAMB Number as User Name and Payment Pin as Password.
  3. Candidates are expected to register online for the UAM POST UTME Screening exercise using the Payment Voucher information by filling the POST UTME Screening Registration Form available on the University website entry.uam.edu.ng/utme (follow the guidelines on the website).
  4. Candidates are expected to provide correct information about their candidature on the University portal and make a printout of the form filled online from the University portal.
  5. Make a computer printout of the online registration from the University website and come along with it for Post-UTME screening exercise.
Payment Options for Fees/Charges
Payment in the Banks or our website will commences on Wednesday 10th to Sunday 21st August, 2016.
First generate your RRR number:

  1. First go to the University website ONLY (Not REMITA website) to generate your RRR number.
  2. After Generating your RRR from the University website ONLY, Choose any of the three payment options below to proceed with payment.
The University Portal has three payment options. The options are
  1. Internet Banking: Go to the University website and follow the instruction on our website to make your payment on the portal using your bank ATM card.
  2. Mobile Banking: Use your ATM card on a mobile device (i.e. internet ready handset, ipad, etc) on the portal www.uam.edu.ng to pay your fees/charges. Follow the instruction at www.uam.edu.ng
  3. Bank Branch: Ensure that you first print the PIN generated from our website, then go to any branch (nation-wide) of all the commercial banks on REMITA to pay the fees.
The Screening Exercise Sessions
  1. The screening exercise commences on, 22nd August and ends on Friday 26th August, 2016 (See Time table for your scheduled date).  
  2. Candidates are expected to come along with the following on the Screening Exercise date at the carious Colleges:
    1. The Printout of the Online Registration Form filled from the University website. 
    2. Bank Payment Slip as evidence of payment.
    3. A coloured Printout of original JAMB result slip (the coloured result slip that contains your passport photograph on it) 
    4. Candidates without the Filled Online Form, coloured printout of the Jamb result with passport photograph and Bank Payment Slip will not be allowed to participate in the screening exercise.
    5. Bank draft and Cash payment will not be accepted.

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