Young African Entrepreneurs Competition 2016 - Scholarship Nigeria: JOBS,ADMISSION,SCHOLARSHIPS Young African Entrepreneurs Competition 2016

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Young African Entrepreneurs Competition 2016

Young African Entrepreneurs Competition 2016
African Entrepreneurs have a new opportunity. RUFORUM recognizes the need for greater youth participation in enterprise development and business incubation and through its member universities and partners has supported training and skills development. It has also supported start-ups through innovative financing mechanism of the revolving fund implemented in the member universities. RUFORUM believes in youth entrepreneurship as the game changer in ensuring greater youth participation and integration into the economic growth at national and regional levels and for youth employment. Deadline 30th July, 2016
Download the Call Documents from Here:
  1. Call over view_RUFORUM
  2. Executive Summary_RUFORUM
The Association of African Universities (AAU) is an international non-governmental organisation set up by universities in Africa to promote cooperation among themselves and with the international academic community.
Founded with an initial membership of 34 public universities on November 12, 1967 in Rabat, Morocco, the AAU’s membership has grown to over 320. The Association’s membership is diverse and truly continental, drawn from all parts of the continent, and from all the major language and educational traditions. This gives the AAU a unique capacity to coordinate activities among Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Africa, as well as to help fashion a common vision for African higher education.
The core mandate of the AAU is to  raise the quality of higher education in Africa and strengthen its contribution to Africa’s development by fostering collaboration among member institutions; providing support to their core functions of teaching, learning, research and community engagement; and facilitating critical reflection on, and consensus-building around, issues affecting higher education and the development of Africa.
The AAU is governed by a General Conference comprising representatives of  member institutions and is convened once in every four years. A Conference of Rectors, Vice-Chancellors and Presidents (COREVIP) meets every two years to review issues of common concern to HEIs in Africa. A Secretariat, based in Accra, Ghana, is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Association under the general supervision of a Secretary General who reports to the Governing Board of the AAU.
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