Aggrieved Open Letter To JAMB Registrar by Concern Candidate - Scholarship Nigeria: JOBS,ADMISSION,SCHOLARSHIPS Aggrieved Open Letter To JAMB Registrar by Concern Candidate

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Aggrieved Open Letter To JAMB Registrar by Concern Candidate

An aggrieved candidate of the 2016 UTME, has taken online to pour out is grievances against the  JAMB Registrar, see what he have to say:
Aggrieved Open Letter To JAMB Registrar by 2016 Concern Candidate
In the power of my fundamental right to freedom of EXPRESSION, as enshrined in the current portent 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of  Nigeria (as amended), I,  COMR. ALILI TOCHUKWU CHIDUBEM, in the nomenclature of ‘ToJesus Blessed’, A bona fide citizen of this Country -Nigeria, by the virtue of this letter and my right, hereby, as a future lawyer, & lover of justice, fairness, transparency & equity, do wish to state it categorically, that you Mr registrar and/or your board have done more harm than  good to Nigerians, especially her Youths (admission seekers).
I must have  to be extremely blatant herein, and remains answerable for this letter at any level, that JAMB Under your auspices has succeeded in unlocking the room of teeth gnashing for Admission seekers.
Mr Registrar, I am writing this letter once more representatively of Nigerian Youths cum 2016 JAMBites, whom you have systematically succeeded in killing their admission chances for this year.
I must be very blatant at this juncture Mr Registrar, that you are not worthy to be called a Father, you are not worthy to be called a professor, you are not worthy to be called a registrar, & not even  worthy to be in JAMB’s helm of Affairs, not even for a second, because you have for long, outlived your supposed usefulness.
You have allowed your political affiliations and/or Your otiose inclinations to becloud your sense of articulation. Suffice to assert, YOU CAN ONLY DELAY THE DESTINY OF THESE YOUTHS BUT CAN NEVER DENY THEIR DESTINIES! Though With a bitter heart, I am forced to pose these questions before you Mr Registrar and/or your board;
1. How could you, a supposed father cum seasoned academician, support and/or decide that Only those 2016/17 JAMBites with 180+ in JAMB are eligible to enrol into tertiary institution (s) for this year?
2. How could You and/or your board totally ostracise the fact that you people during and/or after this year’s JAMB UTME, did gave JAMBites, eternal shameful scores such as 120s, 130s, 140s, 150s, 160s,etc, thereby limiting their chances of entering universities this year?
3. Mr registrar, you also forgot that after the said exam which was accompanied by numerous shortcomings of colossal degrees, which Nigerians and the world also know that the said anomalies were orchestrated by your purpose less, geroncratic, moribund and Non-result-oriented-led adminstration, that you had promised to reorganize a fresh exam for more than 59,000 UTME candidates, which u never did,  JAMB Registrar.
Now, while giving only admission chances to only those that got up to 180 in JAMB? so what would the thousands who were “luckily-unluckily” given scores ranging between 150 & 170 do? Should they  remain at home for another year? Should they go into stealing, pilfering, prostitution, kidnapping, drug and/or child trafficking, burglary, arson, looting, cultism, armed robbery, take advantage of, or are they to park up their belongings and move down to Eche LGA in Rivers state to become chief priests & priestesses in the dreaded AMADIOHA shrine?
Chai! Mr registrar! Why suffering Nigerian Youths? Why giving Nigerian parents/guardians hypertension so that they could die untimely? Why still  frustrating Admission seekers after making them seem like “Dunces, Ignoramuses, Empty heads, etc” in this year JAMB UTME? why not allow those with 150-179 UTME scores to ‘manage’ colleges of Education & Polytechnics respectively? What would u do if your own children are being frustrated in same way? Do you really have human heart? Its high time that you are reminded that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH & Nigerians can no longer put up with your administrative inadequacies.
Personally, I cannot be that too timid to espouse your dehumanizing treatments to admission seekers in the name of administrative policies or whatsoever, hence, my candid opinion that you honourably step down for someone to go in, reform and clean up these heap of mess your administration has caused.
OUR FOUNDING FATHERS ARE WEEPING BECAUSE OF YOU EVERY SECOND! The ever lingering truth remains that, even if God may forgive you your self-centeredness towards Admission seekers, posterity will hold you accountable someday for unpatriotic tendencies being experimented on the dreams & future of Nigerian Youths. GOD IS WATCHING YOU!  JAMB Registrar
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