GET 8,000 Dollars in the Film4Climate Global Video Competition - Scholarship Nigeria: JOBS,ADMISSION,SCHOLARSHIPS GET 8,000 Dollars in the Film4Climate Global Video Competition


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GET 8,000 Dollars in the Film4Climate Global Video Competition

GET 8,000 Dollars in the Film4Climate Global Video Competition
GET 8,000 Dollars in the Film4Climate Global Video Competition
You could highlight the rise of green competitiveness, support transformational climate policies, or focus on the costs of climate in-action and the need to put a price on carbon. You could show how investing in renewable energy and energy efficiency, sustainable mobility, low-carbon resilient cities, and climate-smart land, water and natural resources use, all contribute to solving climate change.
Climate Action is the 13th goal under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), though it is widely acknowledge interlink with the other SDGs. In the description of the video please explain how the climate message connects with the other SDGs.
The Judging Panel will select up to eight entries, who will earn the highest overall score based on the jury members individual vote:
– 3x PSA winners for the 18-35 age group;
– 3x Short Film winners for the 18-35 age group;
– 1x PSA winner for the 14-17 age group;
– 1x Short Film winner for the 14-17 age group.
The Judging Panel will select the winning entries (individuals or teams) based on the following equally weighted criteria:
– Content
– Technical expertise
– Innovation, originality and impact
In the event of a tie, the winner will be selected based on the video’s content, then technical expertise and finally on innovation, creativity and impact. If there is still a tie then the winner will be selected based on a vote by the Judging Panel.

First-prize winners of the 14-17 age group will receive video equipment and software for each category, Public Service Advertisement or Short Film. First, Second and Thirds Prize winners of the 18-35 age group will receive cash prizes in two categories (Public Service Advertisement and Short Film).
All participants may receive special recognition at film festival and will be celebrated at the awards ceremony at COP22.
Winning entries will receive special recognition at all relevant Connect4Climate events, and be prominently featured and promoted through the social media channels of Connect4Climate and Partners.
14 – 17 Age Group
PSA (< 1min)Short Film (1 – 5 min)
1st Prize: Video Equipment/Software1st Prize: Video Equipment/Software
18 – 35 Age Group
PSA (< 1min)Short Film (1 – 5 min)
1st Prize: US $8,000
2nd Prize: US $5,000
3rd Prize: US $2,000
1st Prize: US $8,000
2nd Prize: US $5,000
3rd Prize: US $2,000


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