Win Big!!! Enter This Photo Contest To Win a Trip To Sweden - Scholarship Nigeria: JOBS,ADMISSION,SCHOLARSHIPS Win Big!!! Enter This Photo Contest To Win a Trip To Sweden

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Win Big!!! Enter This Photo Contest To Win a Trip To Sweden

Enter This Photo Contest To Win a Trip To Sweden, for Photographers 
Win Big!!! Enter This Photo Contest To Win a Trip To Sweden
Win Big!!! Enter This Photo Contest To Win a Trip To Sweden
A Photo Contest has been announced. The Embassy of Sweden calls for photo interpretations of skills. It can be a life skill, a rare skill, an attitude, a tool, a person or any other symbol the word. Interpretations can be artistic, documentary, commercial, funny, sincere, angry or any other style of expression. The winner will be awarded with a trip to Sweden.
The contest is open to all citizens of Botswana. Entries are welcome until 31 May 2016. About the context: Sweden and Botswana have long standing relations, dating back to Botswana’s independence in 1966. After Botswana gained independence, Sweden became a strong development partner working to reduce poverty and to build the skills and capacities that today form part of Botswana’s democratic structures. As Botswana celebrates 50 years of independence this year, Sweden and Botswana form an equal partnership, building on mutual interests and shared responsibilities for continued social and economic growth.
1. Send your digital photographs to The resolution should be at least 2 mb at 300dpi.
2. Attach a personal letter describing yourself, your entries and include your full contact details.
3. Up to ten entries are allowed per photographer. The competition is open until 31 May 2016.
4. The contest is open to all citizens of Botswana. You do not need to be a professional photographer to enter. Selection of winner & finalists:
5. Winner and finalists will be named by a jury of dignitaries representing Botswana and Sweden, appointed by the Embassy of Sweden.
6. Each member of the jury will vote for their favourite, second and third choice in a closed ballot. Should there be a tie the Ambassador of Sweden to Botswana will have the swing vote. The decision of the jury cannot be overruled.
7. The number of finalists will be at the discretion of the Embassy of Sweden and depend on the general curation of the entries, size of the photo exhibition and possible publication.
8. Members of the jury are not allowed to participate in the contest.
9. The winner will receive a trip to Sweden, with a chance to capture and interpret Sweden and skills in a Swedish context, through Botswanan eyes. The trip will be 5-7 days long and be organized in the second half of 2016.
10. The work of the winner and finalists will be exhibited in an art photo exhibit, hosted by the Embassy of Sweden. The work of the winner and finalists will be shown in a number of places and contexts, both physical and digital. Terms of usage of works:
11. Photographs will always be presented with the name of the photographer. The ownership of the photographs will remain with the photographer.
12. Winner and finalists will be required to grant the Embassy of Sweden, the Government of Sweden and Swedish public agencies the right to use the photographs for promotional purposes free of charge.
13. Should private companies be sponsoring the exhibition, possible publication or winner’s trip, these will be allowed to use selected photographs, in the context of promoting skills development.
14. Requests for commercial usage of individual photographs will be forwarded to respective photographer and only take place at the discretion of each photographer.
The winner and finalists will be named by a jury of Botswana and Swedish dignitaries.
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