8 Secrets to Becoming a Straight “A” Student - Scholarship Nigeria: JOBS,ADMISSION,SCHOLARSHIPS 8 Secrets to Becoming a Straight “A” Student

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8 Secrets to Becoming a Straight “A” Student

Life in school can be intense with fun filled extracurricular clubs and leisure activities or it can be full or frustrations and stress.
8 Secret to of Becoming a Straight “A” Student

Many students who are new to college do not know what it takes to be successful in the college environment. They understand good and bad grades in a general way, and they sense that they should attend classes, but that is where their knowledge begins and ends.

It is to this notion; we wrote this article. This article will show you the secrets behind those “gurus” you have around you and their secrets to academic success.

This secrets are;

Attendants to Lectures
Most students filled it not important to take their lecture serious, they miss and skip classes for one reason or another. If you want good grades, you MUST always be in lectures to achieve the following

         I.            To absorb lectures from the lecturers.
       II.            To earn your attendance points.

Getting to Know You Course Mates.
This is not for a date of future roommate, but for a source of contact if you must unavoidably miss any lecture. This way, there is a way to get missed note and assignments from them.

Get Organised
College can be multitasking at times, especially when you are involved in some many activities in school. These will overwhelm you emotionally, physically and financially, it even steals your time. You just have to pick a few of this clubs (if possible one), get a scheduled planner, stay current with due course calendars, always have time to finish your assignment on time.

Get Use to Text Book
Am a victim of this, I naturally feels I don’t need any other information beside the ones I got from lectures. This is out rightly wrong. Some lecturers assign textbooks for a reason and it’s not to make you broke; it to supplement the lectures and discussion from the lectures.  Get your textbooks and read them.

Know your Lecturers
Every lectures have a different personality and system of running his/her lectures, so it makes sense as early in the semester as possible to learn what the lecturer wants from you as his students.

Time Management
Even if you do not procrastinate and you are the most organized person in the world, time can be one of your biggest enemies in college. 

Always follow this tips
         I.          Tackle harder works first.
       II.            Take breaks as reward for your hard work.
     III.            Do not over extend yourself; when you feel tired that should be your limit.
    IV.            Work hard to play hard.

Always Take Note During Lectures
Always attend lectures and record the notes. These notes are vital clues to what the lecturer thinks in the most important material for you to learn. Do not just take the note always read them (talking from experience).

You should spend at least three hours daily outside your lecture time to study. Take note of the following when studying;

         I.            Study early and often; breaking them into when it suits you well.
       II.            Develop and practise good study habits.
     III.            Know how you study best and learn from material (past questions)
    IV.            Study with friends to gain support, but do not turn it into a social event.
      V.            Make sure work is done before socializing. Always do you work before heading out to fun.

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