LASU Office of the Vice Chancellor Need Replacement - Scholarship Nigeria: JOBS,ADMISSION,SCHOLARSHIPS LASU Office of the Vice Chancellor Need Replacement

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LASU Office of the Vice Chancellor Need Replacement

Internal & External Advertisement for the post of Lagos State University, LASU Vice Chancellor.
In consonance with the relevant provisions of the Lagos State University Law 24 of 2004, the Governing Council wishes to appoint a successor to the out-going Vice-Chancellor, whose first term as Vice-Chancellor expires on Saturday, 31st October, 2015.
Lagos State University (LASU) was established in 1983 by the Enabling Law of Lagos State of Nigeria, for the advancement of learning AND establishment of academic excellence. The University caters for a student population of over Ten Thousand [10,000] enrolled in Full-Time AND Part-Time programmes at the Diploma, Undergraduate AND Postgraduate Levels.
A summation of LASU objectives is given as: to create opportunities for deserving candidates to further their education by providing programmes of studies that will give them NOT ONLY marketable skills but which will enable them develop their full potentials, AND make them well-rounded scholars AND useful members of the Society. LASU is also to meet the specific manpower needs of Lagos State, as well as undertake any other activities, appropriate for a University of global standard.
Lagos State University was initially conceived as a multi-campus, collegiate AND non-residential University. Today, Lagos State University operates a multi-campus system with Four [4] fully owned campuses, having its main campus at Ojo [along the Badagry Expressway] AND other campuses at Epe, Ikeja AND Surulere, as well as Five [5] External/Affiliated Campuses at Anthony Village, Ikoyi, Isolo, Jibowu AND Lekki.
Lagos State University is reputed for high standards, which it has maintained over the years in its Law, Medical and Management Sciences programmes.
The University has also, over the years, maintained a tradition of excellence in various disciplines in Arts, Education, Engineering, Sciences, Social Sciences and Mass Communication.
The Enabling Edict of Lagos State University provides that the Vice-Chancellor shall:
  • Exercise general supervision over the University;
  • Have a general responsibility to the Council for maintaining AND promoting the efficiency AND good order of the University;
  • Ensure that the provisions of the Edict AND the Statutes, Ordinances AND Regulations are observed;
  • Be a member of Council;
  • Be the Chairman of the University Senate, which is the highest decision making body for all Academic matters [i.e. students’ admissions, examinations AND graduation, establishment of new Academic programmes etc] in the University; AND
  • Have responsibility for maintaining discipline in the University.
The job demands a person who can harness meagre financial resources to full effect in running the University, AND who is able to attract grants from financing bodies, especially international Donor Agencies. The Candidate should be able to cope adequately with varying needs of staff AND students AND emerging contemporary challenges, especially those that are related to social life of students in an increasingly dynamic AND Urban University.
The Vice-Chancellor is a Principal Officer, as well as the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Academic Officer AND Chief Image Maker of the University.
The Vice-Chancellor will therefore, be expected to have a deep understanding of the terrain AND operations of the University AND provide Strategic Vision AND Leadership, to propel Lagos State University as a foremost University in Nigeria, with world-wide recognition. The Vice-Chancellor will have to play a pivotal role in taking Lagos State University to higher pedestal in the 21stCentury.
It will be the duty of the emerging Vice-Chancellor to ensure that standard does NOT fall in ALL Academic programmes, especially in programmes in which the University is highly reputed AND also, that relatively new programmes attain enviable standards, such that ACCREDITATION granted to Academic programmes are sustained.
The criteria to be met by candidates for the post of Vice-Chancellor, Lagos State University are that each candidate:
  • Should hold a Doctorate Degree AND should be an experienced Professor, with several years of Teaching AND Research in a University or Institution of comparable status;
  • Should command high intellectual respect of his colleagues;
  • Must have a proven track record of University Administration AND Management, as well as proven evidence of Leadership qualities;
  • Must be a Visionary Leader, capable of moving the University into prominence in the 21stCentury;
  • Must have National AND International exposure beyond Academics AND be a distinguished World- class personality;
  • Must be a goal-getter AND must see fund-raising as a major strategy for sustaining the autonomy of the University.
The appointment is for a TERM of four [4] years AND RENEWABLE for a second term of four [4] years ONLY.
Remuneration for the Vice-Chancellor includes a consolidated salary, housing facility AND other benefits AND allowances that apply to Vice-Chancellors in Nigerian Universities.
Candidates should apply with Twenty-Five [25] copies of their detailed Curriculum Vitae [CV], providing information on the following:
(A) Full Name
  • Place AND Date of Birth
  • Marital Status; Number AND Ages of Children
  • Academic qualifications [degree with classes; copies of certificates to be enclosed].
  • Teaching, Research, Administrative AND Managerial experience
  • Academic distinctions
(G) Membership of Academic AND Professional Bodies (h) Scholarly Publications [well referenced]
  • Vision for the University in the next four [4] years, [NOT more than 1,000 words, or a minimum of 600 words]
(J)    For candidate[s] identified by the Joint Council AND Senate Search Committee, the Curriculum Vitae must be accompanied by a Letter of Consent, duly dated AND signed by respective candidate[s].
(K)   Names AND Addresses of three [3] Referees who should be able to attest to the candidate’s standing AND abilities academically AND managerially, as well as morals, character AND integrity.
All applications are to be submitted under CONFIDENTIAL COVER, with the envelope marked “POST OF VICE-CHANCELLOR, LASU” sealed AND addressed to: THE PRO-CHANCELLOR, Lagos State University AND submitted to: The Registrar AND Secretary to Council, Registrar’s Office, Administration Block II, Lagos State University, Ojo, NOT later than six (6) weeks from the date of this publication (date of publication is 21st SEPTEMBER, 2015).
Shortlisted candidates will be required to make themselves available for interview with the Joint Council AND Senate Selection Committee at a DATE that will be duly AND formally conveyed to such candidates in writing.
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