is to inform all Freshers of the University of Benin, UNIBEN that the
Physical and Online Admission Clearance Procedures for the 2017/2018
academic session has been made available online.
Candidates are to make available the below documents as they will be required to upload the following online during the online clearance process:-
a. Certificates/Statements of result
b. Birth Certificate/Declaration of Age
c. Acceptance Letter
d. Guarantor’s Letter
e. Affidavit of Good Conduct
f. Affidavit of Non-Membership of Secret Cults
g. JAMB & UNIBEN offer of Provisional Admission slips
h. LGA (Local Government Area) of Origin Certificate.
UNIBEN 2017/2018 Online Admission Clearance For Newly Admitted Students
All Newly Admitted Students of the University of Benin for Full time UTME programme should follow the steps provided below for a successful clearance.Candidates are to make available the below documents as they will be required to upload the following online during the online clearance process:-
b. Birth Certificate/Declaration of Age
c. Acceptance Letter
d. Guarantor’s Letter
e. Affidavit of Good Conduct
f. Affidavit of Non-Membership of Secret Cults
g. JAMB & UNIBEN offer of Provisional Admission slips
h. LGA (Local Government Area) of Origin Certificate.
1. Once you have been notified to begin your online clearance, there are few things you should take note of,
(a) Logon to the Uniben Students Portal via uniben.edu.
(b) Copy the new i.d details and logon to your new account to enable you print your admission letter.
Note: You will no longer be using the username and password you used for your application and result checking, you are to take note of your new student credentials(Username and password) once you are logged in. You will henceforth use your new Id and password to login to your student record, only then will you be able to print out your admission letter.
2. You can only begin your online clearance if you have paid your acceptance fee. Once payment has been made, take note of your “Clearance Activation Code”, it is required to start the clearance exercise.
3. Make sure you use a computer when making payments to avoid network glitches when using the inter-switch gateway.
4. College of Medical Sciences usually pay N80,000 while other candidates are to pay N60,000 for their acceptance fee.
5. You are not going to any bank please, you are to use a verve card or mastercard for payments, that’s why it is called “online clearance”.
6. The Online clearance can be done in any cyber cafe in Nigeria, it is not that difficult at all, it is a very easy program that you can do yourself, just that if it were to be a cyber cafe at school, the operators of the cafe already know what to do and the right document to upload since they have been familiar with it over the years but be careful who you disclose your card pin to.
7. You can save your form at the bottom of the page and get back to it if you do not have all the required details. Do not save and request clearance when you are not done please. You cannot edit the Clearance /Eligibility Form after final submission.
8. Always remember to check your clearance date on your online profile so as not to miss the day you are scheduled to be cleared.
9. It is advisable you do the online clearance on time, so you will be able to start the physical clearance at the appointed time to avoid postponement.
10.You are to upload your ‘O’ level (waec) certificate at the space provided for first sitting. Two sittings is used when you want to combine two results. If you do not have your WAEC certificate yet, you can use your Statement of Result. i.e : If you wrote your waec that current year and it is not yet out, you are to use your statement of result but if you wrote your waec two to three years back you are to provide your waec certificate.
11. Birth Certificates from hospitals, churches are to be used. If you happen to not have your birth certificate, you can opt for a Declaration of Age.
12. Acceptance letter is to be typed and signed by you.
13. Guarantor’s letter is to be typed and signed by your Guardian. You can help with the typing but not the signature.
14. Affidavit of Good Conduct sworn in any Court of Law in Nigeria is accepted.
15. Affidavit of Non-Membership of Secret Cults sworn in any Court of Law in Nigeria is accepted.
16. You can get your affidavits sworn in any court of law in Nigeria for a small token, let’s say a N1000 naira should do for both.
18. The steps on how to get your Uniben Admission Slip is already explained above @ no 1.
19. How to obtain certificate of origin (LGA)?
The certificates are issued by local government councils. It can be requested from your state of origin local government only. It will be signed by a recognized clan head and passport photographs will be required of you. It should cost about N1500 naira or so.
After a successful online clearance,Next is the Physical Clearance.
(a) Logon to the Uniben Students Portal via uniben.edu.
(b) Copy the new i.d details and logon to your new account to enable you print your admission letter.
Note: You will no longer be using the username and password you used for your application and result checking, you are to take note of your new student credentials(Username and password) once you are logged in. You will henceforth use your new Id and password to login to your student record, only then will you be able to print out your admission letter.
2. You can only begin your online clearance if you have paid your acceptance fee. Once payment has been made, take note of your “Clearance Activation Code”, it is required to start the clearance exercise.
3. Make sure you use a computer when making payments to avoid network glitches when using the inter-switch gateway.
4. College of Medical Sciences usually pay N80,000 while other candidates are to pay N60,000 for their acceptance fee.
5. You are not going to any bank please, you are to use a verve card or mastercard for payments, that’s why it is called “online clearance”.
6. The Online clearance can be done in any cyber cafe in Nigeria, it is not that difficult at all, it is a very easy program that you can do yourself, just that if it were to be a cyber cafe at school, the operators of the cafe already know what to do and the right document to upload since they have been familiar with it over the years but be careful who you disclose your card pin to.
7. You can save your form at the bottom of the page and get back to it if you do not have all the required details. Do not save and request clearance when you are not done please. You cannot edit the Clearance /Eligibility Form after final submission.
8. Always remember to check your clearance date on your online profile so as not to miss the day you are scheduled to be cleared.
9. It is advisable you do the online clearance on time, so you will be able to start the physical clearance at the appointed time to avoid postponement.
10.You are to upload your ‘O’ level (waec) certificate at the space provided for first sitting. Two sittings is used when you want to combine two results. If you do not have your WAEC certificate yet, you can use your Statement of Result. i.e : If you wrote your waec that current year and it is not yet out, you are to use your statement of result but if you wrote your waec two to three years back you are to provide your waec certificate.
11. Birth Certificates from hospitals, churches are to be used. If you happen to not have your birth certificate, you can opt for a Declaration of Age.
12. Acceptance letter is to be typed and signed by you.
13. Guarantor’s letter is to be typed and signed by your Guardian. You can help with the typing but not the signature.
14. Affidavit of Good Conduct sworn in any Court of Law in Nigeria is accepted.
15. Affidavit of Non-Membership of Secret Cults sworn in any Court of Law in Nigeria is accepted.
16. You can get your affidavits sworn in any court of law in Nigeria for a small token, let’s say a N1000 naira should do for both.
18. The steps on how to get your Uniben Admission Slip is already explained above @ no 1.
19. How to obtain certificate of origin (LGA)?
The certificates are issued by local government councils. It can be requested from your state of origin local government only. It will be signed by a recognized clan head and passport photographs will be required of you. It should cost about N1500 naira or so.
After a successful online clearance,Next is the Physical Clearance.
UNIBEN 2017/2018 Online Admission Clearance For Newly Admitted Students
The University of Benin Physical Clearance is done at Akin Deko Auditorium of the University of Benin. The Clearance is done by clearance officials for different faculties.The Physical Clearance is sectioned into three parts.
1.School Clearance
2.Faculty Clearance
3.Departmental clearance.
Documents (Original) Needed For The Exercise
a. Clearance/Eligibility slip (with the online payment receipt)b. Certificates/ Statements of result
c. Birth Certificate/Declaration of Age
d. Acceptance Letter
e. Guarantor’s Letter
f. Affidavit of Good Conduct
g. Affidavit of Non-Membership of Secret Cults
h. JAMB Duplicate (for institution only) & UNIBEN offer of Provisional Admission slips
i. 40 passports (You will need them for other things) with red background.
j. WAEC/NECO Scratch Cards
Arrange your documents and put them in a file the way it is been listed above from a to h but do not pin them yet, make six (6) copies each of the listed items b to h.
After you must have been done with the above, you are to:
Make 1 photocopy of your clearance slip.
Make 1 photocopy of your online payment slip.
Bring your clearance invitation copy just to show as proof.
Make 1 photocopy of your post ume result just to show.
Make 1 photocopy of your jamb result as well.
You can get your record file for N3000 from first bank (that’s the last bank uniben used) then take to bursary to collect receipt for the record file.
Make 1 photocopy of the receipt.
Note: One general photocopy of all documents will be collected by the clearance officer.
(Note) There shall be no financial transactions in whatever form at the Main Auditorium
Clearance Venue. Follow instructions when you get to school, ask questions from others, do not be shy. Find your coursemates also.
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