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SCHOOL GIST: Optimizing your time in school as a Student.

SCHOOL GIST: Optimizing your time in school as a Student.

University education is not just an opportunity to acquire academic knowledge, it can also be the golden opportunity for most people to discover and develop themselves and prepare for the life that awaits them after school. While it is pertinent to understand your studies should be prioritized, it doesn’t have to be absolute or regid. Here, we bring you ways you can make your stay in our ivory towers worthwhile, you can plan your schedule with this and see how it goes.

1. Discover and develop your talent: The best moment for anyone to fully discover and develop their personal talents is when in the University. Many failed to even understand themselves in secondary school due to some external factors like parental influence and youthful exuberance. Now in the University, things are different, you have more freedom and definitely no longer a child, you can check your excesses and take time to discover your innate abilities. Remember nobody is without a talent, be it singing, dancing, writing or the act of public speaking. Whichever it is, discover, develop and master it before graduation.

2. Build lasting bond with nice people: Don’t ever make the mistake of being a snob on campus, you will regret it. Mingle freely with the right people, by so doing you learn more about others. This is the right time to build a lasting relationship and create the right connection for future purpose. If you are an introvert, well it’s fine, but try to break out of your comfort zone once in a while to accommodate others and enjoy their company. You can equally mingle with fellow introverts on campus and enjoy the fun.

3. Try your hands in business or other new money making ventures: It is no secret that unemployment is a serious problem that even the government is ignorant of steps to take to solve the challenge. Don’t be caught napping, as you discover your talent, try your hands in other business. We have a list of simple business you can do on campus to make money browse through and make your pick or list available hostels for us at, it’s all up to you. The most important thing is, endeavor to make your first million or at least hundreds of thousands as a Student. It helps.

4. Be Sociable: No man is an island unto himself, be easily accessible and fun to others. Be someone whom your fellow students and even lecturers will enjoy spending time with. It is easy if you can hold a sensible discussion. Sociable ladies and gents on campus are popular people that does very well in campus politics. If you have your eyes on any coveted office in school, you can’t escape this tip.

5. Read self help books: While in school, it is always important to concentrate on your studies, however there’s always that one moment you can spare to indulge. Grab a self help book and learn the secrets of highly successful people. The knowledge you acquire now will come in handy in the future.

6. Start saving: This is one secret many students don’t know. The best moment to save and prepare for life after school is as an undergraduate, cut down on the needless expenses. If you have a sponsor, augment whatever they are sending you with your own money and try to save.

7. Endeavor to leave positive impression: What do you want to be remembered for when you leave the school? From your first year in the school to your graduation, work towards leaving Beautiful memories behind. This can even fetch you an award or two. Don’t be quarrelsome, stubborn or a bully. Be a helper and a dependable friend to your peers, make yourself an asset worth cherishing.

8. Be punctual to classes: Oh well, isn’t that the reason why you are in school in the first instance? Don’t skip classes without a cogent reason, unless you want others to leave you behind.

9. Don’t miss the parties: Hey, all work and no fun makes an undergraduate a dull guy. Party sensibly with friends. When there’s a departmental, faculty or other social nights, don’t miss the fun or wait to be told about it. Glam up and storm the venue, such “seasonal” relaxation will not dent your CGPA if you had been a serious student the whole time. You need it, go relax and enjoy but be careful, we don’t want it to become a habit.

10. Prepare for life after school: You are now just a step away from confronting life head on, don’t be caught unawares. Prepare, make necessary plans for the future. Build up contacts, save money, establish connections, explore opportunities and be ready. Life after school can frustrate an unprepared man, we don’t want this to happen to you, PLEASE PREPARE WELL.

Now You See that higher institution can be a gift, how you use it depends on you. We have given you some tips on how to make the most of it, and we hope you enjoy doing so. You are made to excel!
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