Call for Applications: Nordic Africa Short term Researcher Program 2017 – Sweden - Scholarship Nigeria: JOBS,ADMISSION,SCHOLARSHIPS Call for Applications: Nordic Africa Short term Researcher Program 2017 – Sweden

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Call for Applications: Nordic Africa Short term Researcher Program 2017 – Sweden

The Nordic Africa Institute invites applications from qualified PhD holders for the position of Short term Researcher. 

Application Deadline: 10th February, 2017
Eligible Countries: African countries
To be taken at (country): Uppsala, Sweden
About the Award: Policy relevant research is critical to the execution of the mandate of The Nordic Africa Institute to provide original, high-quality research on current political and socio-economic realities and trends in Africa. The world is changing rapidly and facing new challenges, and Africa is indeed reflecting these changes. In response to this, the Institute recently launched a forward-looking five-year strategy, which underscores the importance of policy-oriented and development-centred research.
Within the organizational structure of the Institute, the Research Unit is saddled with the tasks of conducting high-quality research on Africa, disseminating advanced and relevant information based on research about modern Africa and African conditions, and engaging with the policy environment through active policy dialogue and the knowledge sharing. Nordic Africa Institute carries out its functions without compromising on the universal principles and values that rule the intellectual world; the well-cherished norms that guide knowledge production and learning process globally including the freedom of enquiry and research.
The Institute’s research and learning activities are guided and informed by the following principles and values, namely high academic quality and standard, policy relevance, and interdisciplinary perspective. In addition, the Research Unit ensures that the Institute research priorities and agendas pay attention to the expressed concerns and feedbacks from critical stakeholders.
Eligibility and Selection Criteria: 
  • PhD degree in social sciences or humanities ; interdisciplinary program or a related field (e.g., Development Studies, Law and Development, Natural Resource Management, Gender Studies, Economics, Political Economics, Geography)
  • At least five years of relevant experience in interdisciplinary research related to the thematic areas identified by the Institute;
  • Knowledge of qualitative and quantitative research methods, and data analysis techniques;
  • At least five years’ experience conducting research on African issues and, related topics, including research for use in policy development;
  • Excellent analytical skills and evidence of scientific publication are required;
  • Excellent command of spoken and written English;
  • Good computer skills, specifically knowledge of data entry, processing and analysis;
  • Demonstrate strong interpersonal, communication skills and ability to work in a multicultural environment.
  • Priority will be given to researchers who have expertise in the thematic areas that the institute currently lacks

Value and Duration of Scholarship: Contract period will be six months. Salary is negotiable within the current levels at the Institute.
How to Apply: The application should contain:
  1. A complete CV with a list of publications.
  2. Copies of the applicant’s own publications relating to his/her research.
  3. The names and addresses (phone, fax, e-mail) of at least two referees.
The application should be sent:
a) preferable by email to (Including publications to the extent possible or by indication of internet addresses where they might be available).
b) in hard copy by regular post to The Nordic Africa Institute, P. O. Box 1703, SE–751 47 Uppsala, Sweden
Closing Date for applications:  February 10, 2017
Award Provider: Nordic Africa Institute
Important Notes: NAI is committed to an Equal Opportunities Policy in employment and the institute strives for a balanced proportion of men and women.
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