University of Toronto Master Card Scholarships for African Students - Scholarship Nigeria: JOBS,ADMISSION,SCHOLARSHIPS University of Toronto Master Card Scholarships for African Students

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University of Toronto Master Card Scholarships for African Students

University of Toronto Master Card Scholarships for African Students
University of Toronto Master Card Scholarships for African Students
The University of Toronto and the MasterCard Foundation have partnered to offer the MasterCard Foundation African Scholars Program. The program provides full scholarship opportunities at the University of Toronto for economically disadvantaged youth who have excellent academic potential and a strong desire to create lasting development within their respective regions.
The scholarship will provide full expenses related to travel, tuition, books, food, housing, living expenses and any other program related expenses, for the duration of a four year undergraduate program. Throughout the duration of the student’s undergraduate career, there will be a variety of academic and personal supports including mentoring and transition assistance programs. In addition, there will be internship, placement and travel opportunities included in the program.
In order to be eligible, the student must:
  • be a resident of a country within Sub-Saharan Africa
  • demonstrate financial need correspondent to that of the lowest two quintiles of their country
  • have very strong academic results within their respective school system
  • have a record of leadership and extracurricular involvement
  • maintain a strong desire to return to Africa to assist and work towards enhanced regional socioeconomic development
  • be a graduate or graduating from a recognized secondary school, or have completed necessary academic requirements
  • fulfill necessary English requirements (dependent on country)
For more information on academic and language requirements from individual countries please check
If you have any questions regarding the program or the application procedure, please contact the MCF Scholars Program Office at the University of
Application Deadline: December 10, 2016
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