Nordic Africa Visiting Chair Scholarship for African Researchers 2017 – Sweden - Scholarship Nigeria: JOBS,ADMISSION,SCHOLARSHIPS Nordic Africa Visiting Chair Scholarship for African Researchers 2017 – Sweden

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Nordic Africa Visiting Chair Scholarship for African Researchers 2017 – Sweden

The Department of Peace and Conflict Research and the Nordic Africa Institute currently invite applications to the Claude Ake Visiting Chair for 2017.
Application Deadline:  1st December 2016.  The Chair holder is expected to spend three (3) months in Uppsala in the time-span mid-August to mid December 2017.
Offered annually? Yes
Eligible Countries: African countries
To be taken at (country): Sweden
About the Award:  The Chair is intended for scholars who, like Claude Ake, combine a profound commitment to scholarship with a strong advocacy for social justice. The Chair is open to social scientists working at African universities with problems related to war, peace, conflict resolution, human rights, democracy and development on the African continent.
The Claude Ake Visiting Chair is a co-financed collaboration between the Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, and the Nordic Africa Institute. The purpose of the scholarship programme is to honor the memory of Professor Claude Ake, prominent African scholar, philosopher and humanist, and to invite applications from internationally recognized senior scholars with professorial competence in their respective fields of expertise.
Offered Since: 2003
Type: Visiting Chair
Eligibility: Applicants should be internationally recognized senior scholars with professorial competence in their respective fields of expertise. Normally, this translates to Professor, Associate Professor, or their equivalence. The Chair holder is expected to spend three (3) months in Uppsala in the time-span mid-August to mid December 2017. Applications from female candidates are encouraged.
Number of Awardees: 1
Value of Scholarship: The awardee is entitled to a tax-free stipend/scholarship. The total amount is calculated according to the number of days spent in Uppsala. In addition, travel costs and accommodation for the holder of the position, and, if relevant, his/her accompanying spouse/ significant other, are covered by the grant. The Chair holder is provided office space at the DPCR and NAI, and basic office equipment
The Chair holder is offered a conducive environment to pursue his or her own research, while there is also opportunity for lecturing, holding seminars and contributing to ongoing research activities at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research and the Nordic Africa Institute.
Duration of Scholarship: 3 months
How to Apply: The application must contain:
  • A complete and updated curriculum vitae (CV), including relevant information regarding academic title, current and previous positions, research and teaching activities, and a list of publications. It should also include all relevant contact information.
  • A short abstract of the research project to be carried out as visiting chair holder.
  • A research proposal outlining the main features of the research project to be carried out during the visit including the expected results. The preferred time period for the visit during 2017 should also be stated. Please note that arrival in Uppsala should be avoided during the academic recess period of mid-June to mid- August. The length of the proposal should be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 pages.
  • Two of the applicant’s publications. These should normally be the two most important articles related to the research project to be pursued during the visit.
  • A signed letter of nomination from a senior scholar in the same field. Nominations may come from individual scholars/colleagues, including former Claude Ake Visiting Chairs, and must include a motivation for the nomination.
  • A signed letter from the applicant’s Head of Department or Dean (or equivalent) which confirms that the application is supported by the institution with which the nominee is affiliated. The Claude Ake Visiting Chair Committee reviews the applications and appoints the Chair. The Committee is currently made up of Assistant Professor Anders Themnér (Project Leader for the Claude Ake Visiting Chair, DPCR), Professor Victor Adetula (Head of Research, NAI and Claude Ake Chair Holder 2013), and Marie Karlsson (Administrative Coordinator for the Claude Ake Visiting Chair, NAI).
Addresses for the submission of applications: (Email in link below) OR
The Nordic Africa Institute Att:
The Claude Ake Visiting Chair
Box 1703 751 47 Uppsala
Award Provider: Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, and the Nordic Africa Institute
Important Notes: Please note that incomplete applications or applications received after this date will not be considered. Applications should be sent either via regular mail or e-mail. Also note that the Claude Ake Visiting Chair is dependent on external funding. In the extraordinary event that the program does not receive full funding, applicants will be informed immediately.
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