William S. Kroger Scholarship Opportunity to Win $1,000 USA Scholarship - Scholarship Nigeria: JOBS,ADMISSION,SCHOLARSHIPS William S. Kroger Scholarship Opportunity to Win $1,000 USA Scholarship

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William S. Kroger Scholarship Opportunity to Win $1,000 USA Scholarship

William S. Kroger is pleased to announce a scholarship available to students anticipating attending school in the fall of 2016. The $1,000 scholarship is intended to help defray first-year expenses for students that have been accepted into a school anywhere in the United States.
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
  • Recipient is a U.S. citizen or otherwise authorized to work in the United States
  • Recipient is accepted, and will be attending their first year school in the fall of 2016
  • Academic achievement as reflected by an undergraduate cumulative minimum 3.0 GPA
Applicants must submit the following by August 15th, 2016:
  • A completed resume
  • One to three (1-3) page typed essay on the topic of students choice
  • An official and complete copy of undergraduate college transcripts
  • An acceptance letter from a school within the United States
  • Proof of legal residency in the U.S. (i.e., birth certificate, passport, permanent resident card, etc.)
  • The scholarship is to be used exclusively for school tuition and related expenses.
  • A check for $1,000 will be made payable to the award recipient’s direct to cover these expenses.
  • The recipient is expected to submit receipts in accordance with IRS regulations.
  • Scholarship award recipient will be notified of the selection on or about August 16, 2016.
Completed applications must be submitted no later than August 15, 2016. Application materials should be e-mailed in PDF format. Also, application materials can be mailed to;
William S. Kroger, Attorney At Law
8888 Olympic Blvd. Ste 204
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
(323) 489-3345
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