Know How You Can Get School Fees at Low Cost - Scholarship Nigeria: JOBS,ADMISSION,SCHOLARSHIPS Know How You Can Get School Fees at Low Cost

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Know How You Can Get School Fees at Low Cost

Know how you can raise and pay your school bills without stress and with lower cost Investment. Raise your Next School Fees effortlessly 

Know How You Can Get School Fees at Low Cost

Before showing you Know How You Can Get School Fees at Low Cost , there are most fact you need to know.

Education is the best legacy parent can leave for their children because without education the world would have been in a stationary state. Education helps a child to soar on the height of life. It is the right of your child (children) to receive a qualitative education which will make he or she stand out from the crowed. 

Notwithstanding, we are aware that most student in Nigeria Institution or 70%  of the students are financially dependent, by so we mean, they are those ones who depend for all most everything they need in school to be provided by their ward/guardian/parents.

Others will be lucky enough to get scholarship from other agencies and NGO's that award such.

What if you do not fall under this categories ?

To this end, this why ScholarshipNg has decide to let you Know How You Can Get School Fees at Low Cost with Tine Investment.

Tine God Networks Ltd, also know as, Tine Investments is a company limited by shares, incorporated in Nigeria under part A of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, Laws of the Federation, 2004 as a private limited liability company with Ten million share capital, divided into Ten million share of N1.00 each and with its funding power to issue debenture bonds as provided under section 161 of exchange control act of 1962
The Company has authorized the creation and issuing of monthly revolving, perpetual and irredeemable debenture bonds under the Provision of section 171 of trust deed act and section 166 of the exchange control act 1962. About the company Marketing Project The company Tine God Networks Ltd a.k.a Tine Investments is an investment company that engages in business development in energy, oil & gas, Industrial, Construction, Agriculture and Commercial sectors of the economy and so on.
Tine Investment is an exclusive global strategic money investment company that managing its investors money and increase their profit rate categories.

TINE INVESTMENT seeks to eradicate the following concerns:

  • Narrow down the individual/investor's expectation and actual reality.
  • Eradicating poverty in Africa / World at large.
  • To right the wrongs of the past of similar investments

This investment grows in 5 Level for am maximum of 7 month for a total return of investment. 

It uses bond purchase as a code for each investors investments. 

A bond cost N15,000 (Fifteen Thousand Naira Only) with total return of 76,900(Seventy Six thousand and nine hundred Naira Only) in 7 months. The first 3 Level grows in 30 days why the 4th and 5th level grows in 60 days each. 

Each level has it own interest rate and if you so which to withdraw from each level returns, it is possible without necessary waiting for the full returns. The money will be send to the account number you will provide during registration.

Let Me show you how it work

1. Create An Account

Create a new account from the new account button. You will receive an account number and password to log in to your account platform.

2. Buy Investment Bonds
You can buy bonds which are used for investments by making a payment at the bank and using the code you acquire to process your purchase from your account platform.

3. Invest Your Bonds Into The System
Once your purchase is processed, you will receive a bond code in the amount you paid for. Insert the bond code into the Add Bond button on your account platform.

4. Watch Your Money Grow

Tine Investments gives you the best rates of investments. So sit back and enjoy your investments grow in no time. Know about investment growth.

5. Super Investment Level

Your money invested grow to maturity on each level before making withdrawal and get completed at level five, that is the final level.

Let's do some Calculations Here

If i invested 15k i will be getting 76900. then 30k investment will yield me 2 x 76,900 = 153,800. (One hundred and fifty three thousand, eight hundred)

The investment grows in multiple of 15k for each bond. i.e it either you investing 15k, 30k, 45k, ... 300k (maximum investment) 

How will it Help A Student like ME?

1. With investment of this kind, you do not have to worry on how you can pay your next school fees or house rent( off campus student). 

2. With Investment like this, you can raise futuristic capital for business you so want to get/grow even after school.

3. You do not have to be totally dependent on your guardian/parents for fees you can effortlessly raise through this investment.

Interested and want to Invest, kindly visit   For clarity contact 08033988646 

For more details/questions about this investment, feel free to use the comment box, i will try as possible to explain to your understanding. 

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