Pan African University Full Scholarship at Partner Institutes 2016-2017 - Scholarship Nigeria: JOBS,ADMISSION,SCHOLARSHIPS Pan African University Full Scholarship at Partner Institutes 2016-2017

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Pan African University Full Scholarship at Partner Institutes 2016-2017

Full Scholarship for African Students. The African Union Commission is offering Pan African University Scholarship for young, qualified, talented and enterprising applicants from African countries and the African Diaspora. Successful candidates will join masters or PhD degree programmes at four PAU institutes.
pan university scholarship
The Pan African University is an initiative of the Heads of State and Government of the African Union. It is a Premier continental university network whose mission is to provide wholesome postgraduate education geared towards the achievement of a prosperous, integrated and peaceful Africa.
The strategic vision of the Pan African University is to develop institutions of excellence in science, technology, innovation, social sciences and governance, which would constitute the bedrock for an African pool of higher education and research.
Candidates with potential, motivation and desire to play transformative leadership roles as academics, professionals, industrialists, innovators and entrepreneurs are particularly encouraged to apply.
Course Level: Scholarship is available for pursuing masters or PhD degree programmes at four PAU institutes.
Study Subject: Scholarships are offered in diverse fields to help students in upgrading their education.
List of Subjects:
PAU Institute for Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation (PAUSTI), at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenya:
Masters (MSc)- Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Mathematics (Financial option), Mathematics (Computational option), Mathematics (Statistics option), Civil Engineering (Structural option), Civil Engineering (Arid and Semi-Arid Land option), Electrical Engineering (Telecommunications option) and Electrical Engineering) (Power Systems option)
PhD- Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Mathematics (Financial option), Mathematics (Computational option), Mathematics Statistics option), Civil Engineering (Structural option), Civil Engineering, (Arid and Semi-Arid Land option), Electrical Engineering (Telecommunications option), Electrical Engineering)  (Power Systems option)
PAU Institute for Life and Earth Sciences including Health and Agriculture (PAULESI), at the University of Ibadan (UI), Nigeria:
Masters (MSc)- Geosciences (Mineral Exploration option), Geosciences (Petroleum Geosciences option), Health Sciences (Reproductive Health option), Health Sciences (Reproductive Biology option), Plant Breeding and Environmental Management
PhD- Geosciences (Mineral Exploration option), Geosciences (Petroleum Geosciences option), Health Sciences (Reproductive Health option), Health Sciences (Reproductive Biology option), Plant Breeding and Environmental Management on Full Scholarship.
PAU Institute for Governance, Humanities and Social Sciences (PAUGHSS), at the University of Yaounde II,and the University of Buea, Cameroon:
Masters (MA)- Governance and Regional Integration, Trans Border languages (Kiswahili option), Conference Interpreting and Translation
PhD- Governance and Regional Integration
PAU Institute for Water and Energy Sciences – including climate change (PAUWES), at the University of Tlemcen, Algeria:
Masters (MSc)- Water (Engineering option), Water (Policy option), Energy (Engineering option) and Energy (Policy option)
Scholarship Award: The African Union Commission will offer full scholarships to the successful African candidates. Scholarship awardees should be committed to working in Africa after graduation. The scholarship grant covers the following costs:
-Tuition fees, paid directly to the relevant PAU institute;
-A stipend of $750 per month for Masters, and $1,100 for PhD students, to support the student’s living costs including food, housing, utilities, local transportation and medical insurance;
-Students not permanently resident in the country hosting the institute they are attending are entitled to a single, economy return air ticket for the most direct route between their country/city of permanent residence and the host country/city; and
-Students permanently resident in the country hosting the institute they are attending are entitled to $100 to cover the cost of their travel for the Full Scholarship.
Scholarship can be taken at: Africa (Kenya, Nigeria, Cameroon and Algeria)
Eligibility: For Masters Programmes
-Undergraduate degree from a recognized university, with at least a second class upper division or its equivalent, in a relevant field;
-Certified copies of relevant certificates, transcripts (from university and high school), national I.D. card and passport personal details page;
-Clear colored passport size photograph(2cmx2cm);
– Maximum age of 30 years for male and 35 years for female applicants.
Candidates may be required to undergo a written/oral examination after pre-selection.
Candidates for the Master in Conference Interpreting and Translation programmes are required to have excellent knowledge of at least two of the African Union’s official languages (Arabic, English, French and Portuguese).
For Doctoral Programmes
-A Masters degree in a relevant field from PAU or any internationally recognized university;
-Certified copies of relevant certificates, transcripts, national I.D. card and passport personal details page;
-Clear colored passport size photograph (2cmx2cm);
-Maximum age of 35 years for male and 40 years for female applicants.
Nationality: Applicants from African countries and the African Diaspora can apply for this scholarship.
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: Admission Requirements for Masters Programmes- Undergraduate degree from a recognized university, with at least a second class upper division or its equivalent, in a relevant field;
Admission Requirements for Doctoral Programmes: Applicants must have a Masters degree in a relevant field from PAU or any internationally recognized university.
Supporting Material: The required components for complete application packet are as follows:-
-Certified copies of relevant certificates, transcripts (from university and high school), national I.D. card and passport personal details page;
-Clear colored passport size photograph(2cmx2cm);
How to Apply: Applications should be completed online.
Application Deadline: Closing date for receipt of applications is 20th March 2016.
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