Meet 5 Nigerian Students Who Represent The Country at the MTN/JUMIA Entrepreneurship Challenge in South Africa - Scholarship Nigeria: JOBS,ADMISSION,SCHOLARSHIPS Meet 5 Nigerian Students Who Represent The Country at the MTN/JUMIA Entrepreneurship Challenge in South Africa

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Meet 5 Nigerian Students Who Represent The Country at the MTN/JUMIA Entrepreneurship Challenge in South Africa

Both teams will be representing Nigeria in South Africa on MAy 27th where they will meet with other African teams, before the winners of the challenge will be announced.  Congratulations guys!

Meet 5 Nigerian Students Who Represent The Country at the MTN/JUMIA Entrepreneurship Challenge in South Africa can best be described as follows:
It is a Pan-African competition launched in February 2016. First of its kind in Africa, bringing together over 1000 entrepreneurs, students and investors, to collaborate on ways to amplify and consolidate the continent’s entrepreneurs. Targeting more than 60 universities in 13 countries across Africa, the competition will challenge students to develop a unique digital application or smart solution that will solve a tangible problem faced on the continent.

Finally two teams were selected: and Schoolwork team. The team pitched their already existing multi testing platform, which enables students prepare adequately for pre-college examinations. You can visit today and make use of their very affordable platform.In Nigeria over 250 applications were received and out of that, an outstanding 10 were picked for the live pitch, which took place on the 8th of  April 2016. The pitches were wonderful, which each team aiming to solve different problems facing Africa, using the technology at their disposal. Innovative solutions were bandied back and forth, with the judges shooting questions at the entrepreneurs.
Schoolwork Team pitched their e-learning solution targeted at all tertiary institutions across Africa, the team consisting one female and one male member certainly wowed the judges with their innovative solution earning them a slot on the finalist team.
Both teams will be representing Nigeria in South Africa on MAy 27th where they will meet with other African teams, before the winners of the challenge will be announced.
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