2015/16 UNICEF/SPIC Scholarship Scheme Examination Update - Scholarship Nigeria: JOBS,ADMISSION,SCHOLARSHIPS 2015/16 UNICEF/SPIC Scholarship Scheme Examination Update

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2015/16 UNICEF/SPIC Scholarship Scheme Examination Update

Special Petroleum Intervention Scholarship (SPIC) and UNICEF Scholarship 2015/16 Examination  Updates.

2015/16 UNICEF/SPIC Scholarship Scheme Examination Update

This is to inform the public that Special Petroleum Intervention Scholarship (SPIC) and UNICEF have started informing selected candidates for the next scholarship scheme examination.

Secure our Scholarship Ng Pass Question for free Here 

The Examination site operates on a 24 hour basis and each scholar has just one shot at the examination. Examination Date is set for 12th to 14th May 2016. The examination can be accessed with your PC, Laptop, Tablet and other Smart devices, anywhere, anytime within the examination date.

Log on myunicefspicexams.com for more details.  

Secure our Scholarship Ng Pass Question for free Here 


‘The prize money of this scholarship is a $1000 and a Laptop for new scholars and $1000 thereafter.

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