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This article will aid the 2016 Jambite In The Use Of English book tag : The Last Days at Forcados High School” by
A.H. Mohammed

Description Of The Book :

“The Last Days at Forcados High School” by
A.H. Mohammed tells the story of Jimi Solade
last days in senior secondary school. A
combination of African family values and
western influence on children.


1. Jimi Solade:
He is the main character in the novel. He is
intelligent and very good in sports. He is also
the health prefect, athletic club captain and best
footballer. He won prizes such as the best
Chemistry student and the best athlete.
He is a member of Tiger house. He won the
100m race and also won a scholarship to study
Electrical Engineering.

2. Wole Solade:
He is the brother of Jimi Solade. He behaved In a very bad manner. He engaged in the sale and use of hard drugs. His father disliked him
because of his bad behavior.

He dropped out of school because of his bad
behaviour. He broke into the school laboratory
and stole the new microscope and other stuff.

3. Mrs Solade:
A soft spoken woman and mother of Jimi, Wole and Femi Solade. She died of ovarian cancer.

She took side with Wole when her husband
made bad remarks about him.

4. Mr Solade:
Father of Femi, Wole and Jimi.

5.  Coker:
A tall, slender girl with large eyes and long
eyelashes and a masculine voice. She went
further to study medicine. She was a member of a group EGG whose aim was to cater for women and children.

Her classmates nicknamed her ‘’The Witch’’.
Jimi Solade nicknamed her ‘’baby doll’’. She was a close friend of Miss Agbenenovi; a youth
corper posted to Forcados High School.

She wrote a controversial letter to Miss Novi.
She stood up for Jimi when everyone taught he masterminded the stealing of the new
microscope and other stuff. She was expelled
from St. Catherine’s.

6. Nene Ekpo:
A plump girl with short plaits and a round
gentle face. A good friend of Jimi, Ansa and
Efua. She leaked Efua’s controversial letter to

Her father was a pastor. Her youngest brother
attended Mother’s Joy Nursery School. She was the singing lead in the cultural dance drama“oluronbi”. She went further to study

7. Ansa:
A good friend of Jimi and Nene. He likes
painting and shared this interest with Efua. He desired to study Architecture.

He accommodated Jimi when Wole invited his
bad mannered friends to Mr Solade home. He
was not happy at the end of first term because
he failed his exams and dreaded what his
mother would say. He went further to study

8. Mr Mallum:
A small, wiry man with an odd accent. He is the principal of Forcados High School.

9. Jolly Stephen:
A big boy, an arts student. He liked wearing
chains on his trousers and trainers instead of
sandals. He made photocopies of a letter Efua
wrote to Miss Novi.

10. Seyi Lawal:
He is the Head Boy of Forcados High School.

11. Risikat:
Mrs Solade housemaid. She informed Jimi that his mum fainted.

12. Mama Silifat:
She sold puff-puff and akara outside the school. She was fond of Jimi and called him Akinjimi
and omo mi.

13. The Rhymers:
A group of five boys. They composed Hip-Hop

14. Mr Izaegbegbe:
He is Ansa’s father.

15. Icheen Igbo:
He took the second position in the 100m race.

16. Femi Solade:
The eldest brother of Jimi Solade.

17. Mr Edet:
He taught Chemistry at Forcados High School.

18. Samu:
He owned an ice cream bar.

19. Teacher Bade:
The students nicknamed him “cane”.

20. Miss Coker:
The music teacher at Forcados High School.

21. Mrs Alli:
Efua’s aunt.

22. Ada:
The Head Girl at Forcados High School.

23. Mrs Tanimoro:
The guidance counsellor at Forcados High

24. A.H. Mohammed:
The author of the novel “The last Days at
Forcados High School’’.

25. Joke:
A close friend of Efua Coker. She informed Efua of the gossip student made over her
relationship with Miss Novi. She also helped
Efua to pick her books when Caro bumped on

26. Caro:
The Queen –Bee and Jimi’s girlfriend .

27. Mr Vann:
He taught Physics at Forcados High School.

28. Mrs Obange:
The principal of St. Catherine’s.

29. Mr Salami:
The English Language teacher at Forcados High School.

30. Miss Agbenenovi:
The youth corper posted to Forcados High
School. She filled in for Mt Salami.

31. Jide:
The smallest boy in the class. He danced with
Efua during the Mid-term Dinner.
St. Catherine’s:
The School Efua Coker was expelled from.
The cultural dance drama held at Forcados
High School.

Mother’s Joy Nursery School:
The school Nene Ekpo youngest brother

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