Apply For The Mo Entrepreneurs Competition 2016 - Scholarship Nigeria: JOBS,ADMISSION,SCHOLARSHIPS Apply For The Mo Entrepreneurs Competition 2016


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Apply For The Mo Entrepreneurs Competition 2016

The Mo Entrepreneurs Competition 2016 is a collaborative effort between Mo Dewji Foundation and Darecha Limited to recognize and support the efforts of young 
entrepreneurs in Tanzania. The competition launches a platform that will enable Mohammed Dewji (The CEO of MeTL Group and Chairman of Mo Dewji Foundation) to support young entrepreneurs who are running highly potential start ups but lack further support in form of growth capital, networks and mentorship  which could accelerate the growth of their start-ups.
The competition seeks young entrepreneurs (18-30 years old) who have the passion, drive, and determination to grow their start-ups, in order to increase their income and their contribution to Tanzania economy.
A minimum of three winners of the MO ENTREPRENEURS COMPETITION 2016, is to be announced in April, will be provided with a business investment as a start-up/growth capital. They will also receive mentorship and networking support from Mohammed Dewji.

The MO ENTREPRENEURS COMPETITION 2016 shows the foundation, Strongly believing that Corporate Social Responsibility can create a positive change, the MeTL Group’s Chief Executive Officer Mohammed Dewji has founded the Mo Dewji Foundation, which administers the CSR funding from the entire group.
The aim of the Mo Dewji Foundation is: â€˜To enable and empower the many under-privileged who continue to struggle in Tanzania, with a specific emphasis on health and education’
Over the last five years, Mo Dewji Foundation has spent more than $3 million on community service projects.
The Mo Dewji Foundation focuses on improving life conditions in Tanzania in several areas:
– Promoting education in order to create a pathway for the population, especially the disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, to lead to a more productive, equitable and just society.
-Strengthening healthcare and creating purified drinking water to assist in preventing the occurrence of diseases.
Mo Dewji Foundation continues to work on many community development programs and aims to involve itself in new and innovative projects to provide services and support for less fortunate members of the community. The aim is to establish relationships with both grass-root and international charities and businesses to develop partnerships that will help achieve the set goals.
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