Apply for Benue State Scholarship Scheme 2015 - Scholarship Nigeria: JOBS,ADMISSION,SCHOLARSHIPS Apply for Benue State Scholarship Scheme 2015

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Apply for Benue State Scholarship Scheme 2015

Benue State Scholarship  (BNSSB) is a scheme that is awarded to only Benue State student in any institution within Nigeria, only indigenious student can apply.

The Benue State Scholarships Board is one of the parastatals established by the Benue State Government in an edict cited as Benue State Scholarships Board Edict 1994 which came into effect on the 5th December, 1994.
There primary objective is to provide scholarship aids to Benue State indigenes studying or intending to study in institutions of higher education in Nigeria and other countries in the World.
Since its establishment, the Board has awarded over 300,000 scholarships including physically challenged indigens in primary and Secondary schools.
We are committed to ensuring that more indigene benefit from this board.

  • Applicant must be a Benue State Indigene.
  • Applicant must have been admitted into a recognized Learning Institution, with a Letter of Admission of any State, Federal and Private Universities and Polytechnics across the country.
  • Students on part-time and sandwich courses are NOT eligible for the State Scholarships awards.
  • Applicant must show readiness to study with a good academic record. 
  1. Purchase your Scratch Card from any authorized Branch of FIN Bank Plc nearest to you.
  2. Scratch the card to reveal the PIN Code.
  3. Enter the PIN Code in the Login Form.
  4. Click on PROCEED to begin.
  5. Attach a recent Passport Photograph to the application portal.
  6. Print a copy of your application SLIP from this Portal immediately after a successful submission.
  7. Click PRINT to print your slip if you have submitted your application earlier. You are allowed maximum of 2 times Application Slip printing with the PIN you used for application on this portal after submission.
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